Monday, August 25, 2008

The Thanks I Get.

I've spent the last 5 months taking care of my MIL, including finding her a condo and helping her move.  My payback is all the crazy stuff that she can't/won't take with her (you need audio to hear the laughter/sarcasm in my voice). I have spent the last 24 years going to (and sneaking out of) that house and can't say I ever noticed this "Devil" hanging above the door in the porch. Five minutes on moving day and the littlest Wild One is following Gramma around telling her how much he really likes the "devil on the porch." And never one to miss a beat-or mince words-she was ever so eager to have him take it home...of course he would have to "ask your mother first." In the midst of shouting orders (to the moving guys), hauling boxes and organizing various family members I think I said something that resembled "Put it on the table and we will discuss it," which to a 6 year old meant, "Sure honey what ever you want, make sure you get it in the car so we don't forget it." I was trying to look on the bright side and thought maybe it would look good at the Grouchy Dog, however, the little one has other ideas...he wants to hang it in the hallway to scare his sister when she gets up to use the bathroom at night. That might work too.