Wednesday, June 18, 2008

Who's hungry?

You know that your are sugar deprived or possibly just hungry when you see something on the floor that you think is a skittle...and you actually consider picking it up and popping it into your mouth (with a quick glance over your shoulder to make sure no one is looking). But as you reach for it you realize it is actually a button. The thought briefly crosses your mind to eat it anyway-I'm sure it has no calories and the density of it may fool your stomach into felling full from all the processing it would have to do. Instead you toss it on the counter and with a little whistle you quickly walk away and pretend the last 60 seconds never happened.

1 comment:

Brooke a.k.a. 34B cup said...

WOW! You gotta let yourself indulge a little more... Actually I once almost ate an eraser... I know... stupid...